Saturday, July 01, 2006

I'll miss my grads...

Being a high school teacher it is always happy but sad to see your seniors go. I had 5 of my own students graduate last night and I must say I'm really going to miss them. Marissa is so sweet and has a big bright smile that always brightened up my day. She had to take care of her mom who was in and out of the hospital all last year. Her mom nearly died with complications of diabetes. Her older siblings couldn't help out, and her dad had to work. Marissa took on the responsibility of sole caregiver. She had to drive her mom to all her appointments and take care of the house by herself. I was so happy when the school allowed her to waive Geometry, since math was going to be the one thing holding her back. She walked last night with such pride and dignity. Afterwards, she was the one student who thanked me. She had tears in her eyes and said, "I miss you already". It's students like these who make my job worth every minute.


Blogger Raw Faith Real World said...

Those are the kind of students that make it all worthwhile. I keep a folder with some of the thank you letters I've gotten from my students. When I'm frustrated or feeling like my students don't understand how much I care for them, I pull those letters out again and remember that it's all worth it. May you have many more of those who recognize your role in their lives.

10:01 PM  

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