Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Year's Resolutions...bah!

OK...I am going to try to come up with some resolutions, but actually they will be more like "Sha... and monkeys might fly outta my butt...."

1) Lose 50 pounds by June 10 (daughter's wedding)...riiiighhht.

2) Exercise at least 3 times a week...Ho Ho HO!

3) Try to do something new and different like eat Indian food naked (or do anything naked...or just eat Indian food, for that matter.)

4) Put the stick down. Stick=sharp pointy evil

5) Read more and play less Literati. Literati=OCD inducer

6) Learn to drive a motorcycle. (Next year buy a bike!)

7) Go to bed a lot earlier and wake up earlier so I'm not late to work (This is NOT good when you are a teacher, tho' the students never complain!)

8) Walk the dogs more often...hopefully they will stop peeing on the floor.

9) Get a massage more often...desperately needed when you are a teacher or mother of a teen.

10) Stop annoying habits like picking at my I said...and monkeys might fly...!!

Anyway...hope these inspire you. Happy 2006 and may God give you peace or at least occasional sanity.


Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

I feel very inspired by your lofty goals.
It's only New Years for one day anyways. After that it's just another old year so the resolutions don't really count, ha,ha..
Have a very Happy New Year and a great 2006..

2:01 PM  
Blogger Looking Glass Girl said...

love the pic you crazy partier you!

3:08 PM  

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