Friday, December 16, 2005

Where I wanna be...

La Paz, Baja California, Mexico. Where else can you find a prettier sunset? I am looking forward to going there again, hopefully in the new year.

Things have been too hectic, and being sick the past 2 weeks has made me fall behind at work with my grading and recordkeeping. I am looking forward to these next 2 weeks off from school. I wish I had a few months to turn my brain off and just "be". Until then, I will look at beauty like this and think, "Ahhhh..." even if only in a photo.


Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

It's a great sunset. I think the sunsets on the Canadian prairies are better though because I'm from there. But it's a great sunset just the same. And there isn't any snow there, which is a huge bonus.
Hope you get healthy soon. And enjoy the two weeks off..

5:21 PM  

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