Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Bored so why not blog?

The French Horns - Fortyfive

Alright, so I'm at work. I'm illegally blogging about nothing important while at work. Aren't I absolutely horrible? I mean, I'm sure there's no one else on this earth that blogs while at work...

So, as you'll notice there will be breaks throughout my blog as I not only write, but also list what songs are playing as I write. Interesting, isn't it? Also, as you'll notice, most of you won't know these bands because they're indie. But maybe you will know them and then I'll think you're extra cool because of course only the coolest of the cool know indie bands... ha. whatever. it's a style I like and if you like it too, cool, we have something in common. I get so sick of pretentious indie snobs. Yes I've been called a music snob, but that's only by people who listen to top 20 hit radio stations or think Rolling Stone and Mtv are cutting edge and they just don't understand... wait, did me saying htat just make me a music snob?

So anyway, what I should be doing, if I weren't blogging illegally at work, would be writing a sermon. I am preaching this weekend on Luke 2:2-40. If anyone has any stunning thoughts on the subject, of course I'd love to hear them.

Christmas was great...except for the whole being away from my family thing. I was with my wonderful boyfriend and we had some yummy food at our friend's home and then played cards with some other friends later on that night. It was great except for the fact that one of the players could not figure out the game and it was quite frustrating that we (me and my bf) lost to them when we really should have kicked their booties.

Darren Hanlon - The Unmade Bed

And then we should have kept playing the game, but then they watned to watch the Family Guy, which is sometimes funny to me and sometimes way too stupidly offensive and I just get sick of that kind of chauvanistic anti-woman humor so it makes me in a bad mood. So I was mad that we lost and then we stopped playing the game to sit and stare at the tv while no one talked together anymore and the only sound was some people laughing at the tv. It killed the whole mood and damn I wanted to win that game... I guess I'm a bit competitive.

Dressy Bessy - Hay May

So, now I'm getting bored of blogging...and I"m tired of sitting on my butt staring at the computer...

But hey, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you all.

*I love my Aunt*

Hydroplane - Embassy Cafe


Blogger Nancy White said...

Well this is the aunt Casey loves! I am sitting on my butt and listening to indie music. Currently playing is Modest Mouse, but oops, iTunes is on shuffle and it just switched to Coldplay, which is not indie. We watched 40 Year Old Virgin last night and parts of it were really funny. It made me sad, in a way, that celibacy is such an unacceptable thing. I did like that his friends at work meant well, even thought their advice was misguided. I really liked the ending when they all danced to music from "Hair"...very funny. Well, sad news...the day after Christmas my dear old neighbor down the street put a bullet in his head...he had cancer and couldn't take it anymore. I'm so sad for his family...they are such a nice Christian family and sooo sweet. I used to teach piano lessons to his grandkids. I can't imagine going through this, especially at Christmas.

4:17 PM  
Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

Have a Happy New Year..

6:36 AM  

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