Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Young again

It's amazing what a day at the beach can do to rejuvenate my soul. My old friend Mary Beth and I decided to go roller skating on Monday. We started out with breakfast at "Longboarders" where we had almond french toast. Then it was time for our big adventure. I had not been on skates for many years so I was sort of hobbling along the boardwalk that parallels the beach in Carlsbad. I finally got my "groove" back and got going a bit faster but my right wheels suddenly came to a stop as they hit a crack in the sidewalk. My left leg continued to roll forward, causing me to o-so-gracefully descend into "the splits" position, dragging my right knee behind. Ahhh...road rash. My left leg felt like it was tearing off, and I sat there for a minute contemplating whether or not I could actually stand up. Mary Beth (who was blissfully gliding on ahead of me and didn't see it happen) skated back to see if she could help me. I said, "I just wanna take my skates off now." I had had enough. Then, glutton for punishment that I am, we went boogie boarding. The ocean water felt startlingly cold after skating for an hour in the baking sun. But nothing beats the ocean for a revitalizing experience! In a few moments we were trying to catch some waves, but ended up getting washed up on the sand where I successfully scraped both knees. After a short while we were "all washed up" and decided it was time to eat. We had a great Mexican lunch at "Fidel's" and headed home in the afternoon. I felt like I had conquered. I'm not sure what I conquered, but it was nice to know at 50 I could play hookie, eat where I wanted, laugh and play like a kid, and get a strawberry on the knee. It made me want more of the same, but I think I will (a) get in better shape and (b) get better skate wheels.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I'll miss my grads...

Being a high school teacher it is always happy but sad to see your seniors go. I had 5 of my own students graduate last night and I must say I'm really going to miss them. Marissa is so sweet and has a big bright smile that always brightened up my day. She had to take care of her mom who was in and out of the hospital all last year. Her mom nearly died with complications of diabetes. Her older siblings couldn't help out, and her dad had to work. Marissa took on the responsibility of sole caregiver. She had to drive her mom to all her appointments and take care of the house by herself. I was so happy when the school allowed her to waive Geometry, since math was going to be the one thing holding her back. She walked last night with such pride and dignity. Afterwards, she was the one student who thanked me. She had tears in her eyes and said, "I miss you already". It's students like these who make my job worth every minute.