Saturday, May 06, 2006

Creativity still reigns...

Lately I've felt a bit repressed by the "analness" of certain people, and I guess I've not been getting to experience the creative outlets I crave. Last night I went to our student arts exhibit. I was amazed and inspired by the fact that in spite of all the evil nastiness of the world, art still rises above! I saw dance performances, and a student I know played guitar and sang (beautifully!) as well as recited her poetry (awesome!) I ended up buying a framed photo by one of my seniors, a young lady who is in love with God. Her photos of nature truly capture the creator's heart. I viewed the students' drawings and painting....some were excellent, some (to be quite honest) were crappy. But they all delighted me. I know many of these students. Even though some of them are not especially talented, they LOVE to make art and when I saw their work (some of them had never drawn before) it made my heart glad because I know where several of these kids have come from and some of what they go through. If me, being a teacher loved seeing and hearing these expressions, how much more does our father in heaven love it whenever we create? How it must make his heart ache with tender love and appreciation when we feebly attempt to reflect his world? No matter what medium or style, no matter how wonderful or poor the outcome, God is touched by our expression. I think it's so important to keep on creating. Don't let those of the mundane beaurocratic world ever hold us back.